Many academicians in the non-statistics discipline have a belief that the Statisticians are best in doing statistics but worst in teaching statistics. As a hardcore statistician I agree and disagree at the same time. I agree with this belief that it may happen when a new statistics teacher without any formal training is teaching statistics to non-specialists or a statistics teacher moved from a statistics school to non-statistics school. I disagree with this belief when a statistics teacher is teaching in statistics school. There are three challenges in teaching statistics to non-specialists identified by Bromage et al (2022) in their research: lack of motivation, anxiety towards mathematics and statistics and previous experiences. The authors also suggested ways to overcome these challenges. Those are the formal solutions motivated by research and expertise in the field. In my opinion and that is probably the solution for a statistician to be a good teacher in non-statistics school is to learn the language of the non-statistics school such as a medical school as soon as possible. Secondly, cut using the formula close to the zero level and explain the ideas with example first. There could be many other ways to improve the condition based on the situation. I got my mission to make statistics enjoyable to everyone.
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